by admin | May 8, 2018 | creative, Uncategorized
Every story, whether it’s immersive theater, a film or a book, is constructed from the triangle consisting of character (who), plot (what) and setting (where). Or, to put it in the form of a question: Who does what with whom and where? Each of these factors has an...
by admin | Apr 11, 2018 | creative
Great stories have a profound effect on you. A film or book can be compelling, gripping or moving. During a play, you go along with the story and you believe in the world that the actors create on the stage. It’s about immersing yourself, letting go, and then emerging...
by admin | Feb 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
Op een aarde met (vrijwel) geen zon voert een volk van natuurwezens strijd met de laatste overlevende mensen. Met ‘Kinderen van de Schemering’ haalden Arnout en Olga de shortlist van de Paul Harlandprijs 2013. “Wat een opluchting, dit verhaal! … een sterk, pakkend...
by admin | Nov 2, 2013 | Musings
Samhain. The night when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. The night on which we set an extra plate on the table for those who are no longer with us, and the sons of Oberon walk the streets. For the Celts it was also the beginning of the dark half of the year,...
by admin | Aug 30, 2013 | Musings
Outside it was cold and it rained. Of course it rained. A miserable November day. I was 21 in 2004 and had never been away from home for longer than three weeks. When I got on the plane, my heart felt heavy as a brick. Even though summer waited on the other side. I...
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